Generalized Notifications System
We are excited to introduce our new generalized notifications system, designed to keep you updated on all activities within the platform. This comprehensive system ensures you never miss out on important interactions and updates.
What’s New in Notifications
In addition to the existing notifications for comments, new followers, and likes, the new system includes:
- Responses to Your Comments:
- Receive notifications for all responses to your comments, keeping you engaged in ongoing conversations.
- Messages in Individual and Journey Chats:
- Stay updated with notifications for new messages in both individual chats and group chats within your reading journeys.
- New Margins in Your Journey:
- Get notified about new margins (discussions or annotations) in the journeys you are currently participating in.
Benefits of the Generalized Notifications System
- Stay Engaged: Never miss an important interaction with real-time updates on all activities related to you.
- Enhanced Communication: Keep track of all responses to your comments and messages in individual and journey chats, ensuring you remain part of the conversation.
- Up-to-Date on Journeys: Be informed about new margins and discussions in your current journeys, helping you stay engaged with the reading community.
Our new generalized notifications system is designed to keep you informed and engaged with all aspects of the platform. From responses to your comments and messages in chats to updates on new margins in your journeys, this comprehensive system ensures you stay connected and never miss an important interaction. Enable notifications now and experience seamless updates tailored to your activities.