May 21, 2024

Margeit reshapes thinking through the evolution of its support

Margeit is revolutionising the medium of the mind by making book publishing more practical and connected, helping to spread knowledge beyond physical borders.

Margeit reshapes thinking through the evolution of its support

At the confluence of history and innovation: the evolution of book support and the rise of margins

The evolution of book support has been significantly influenced by a constant quest for convenience regarding reading texts relative to its material support. Throughout history, this search for accessibility and readability has played an essential role in the emergence of margins. The transition from the volumen to the codex not only facilitated the practice of annotation due to purely anatomical freedom (hands freed from the laborious handling of volumen scrolls) but also allowed for a structural reorganization of the text by making it airy - and there by greatly facilitating reading - through the invention of paragraphs and margins. With the advent of printing, these new spaces - the establishment of pagination and its hierarchical chapter structure - initiated by the introduction of the codex, have exerted a significant influence on the development of human knowledge, also shaping its modes of thought. Reader annotations and reflections finally found a suitable space in the margin, alongside the text, thus promoting the exchange of ideas among scholars, in addition to its decorative role in some cases. After the era of incunabula and the emergence of various book formats, such as paperbacks, book support underwent a digital transformation, separating the text from its traditionally associated material support since the advent of printing. All these practical evolutions of book support did not prevent the old support from surviving overtime and acquiring, on the contrary, a strong symbolic status of rarity and preciousness.

In 2024, Margeit represents the addition of a crucial space in the structural reorganization of text throughout the history of the book

TheMargeit platform offers an innovative approach in the evolution of human knowledge by introducing a universal digital margin associated with a specific edition of a work rather than an individual copy. This digital margin adds an unlimited space within the book, allowing for the collection of reflective shares and annotations from readers worldwide, specifically on a particular paragraph, thus marking a turning point in how knowledge is gathered and shared.

“A lone thinker is a thinker in danger”

A restructuring also impacting the acquisition of human knowledge

This new unlimited space within the book will serve as a means of consolidation for readers' knowledge regarding a specific passage from a given edition, thus bringing together a unique source of information. This unique source will be freely and easily accessible, thereby providing access to all social strata across various societies. Consequently, human knowledge will be consolidated and centralized, eliminating its dispersion across multiple institutions, universities, online platforms, or libraries.